Friday, October 15, 2010

Taliban leaders given safe passage

On Friday October 15, the commander of the U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, General Petraus stated that he had arranged safe passage of a senior Taliban commander to Kabul for peace talks. General Petraus made this announcement at the Royal United Services Institute in London, England. According to the news, the Talibans are open to peace talks as long as it is led by the Afghanistan group and monitored by U.S. and NATO. NATO is hoping for this peace talk to be arranged as soon as possible in order to put an end to the bloody nine-year war in Afghanistan.

The arrangement of safe passage for peace talk first began Thursday October 14, when a senior NATO official first released the information about the safe passage to Afghan public. When this arrangement was released to public, the Taliban immediately refused. Taliban stated that they will not negotiate until all the foreign troops withdraw. However, due to the tremendous military pressure on the insurgents of Taliban, increasing number of Taliban associates are reaching out and supporting the peace talk. The increasing number of Talibans said "We want to talk about an alternative to war". This tremendous military pressure is factual since the Afghan security forces and International troops have been putting significant pressure on the Talibans in eastern and southern areas which are their heartland of movement in recent months. However, Talibans although outnumbered had fought back and inflicted significant casualties to NATO forces as well, letting the war to drag on. The whole world will be focusing their views to whether the peace talk will be arranged as well as if the peace talk can put an end to this bloody nine-year war.

In my opinion, I whole-heartedly believe that NATO's resolution of peace talk in order to put an end to the Afghan war is very equitable in every aspect. It is evident that thousands of military casualties were produced from both NATO and Taliban forces as well as thousands of innocent civilian casualties for the past decade due to the Afghan war. I believe that there are two major possible solutions to this war. The first one is letting the war drag on for longer time to defeat the Talibans with military force creating additional casualties, sorrows, and bleak atmosphere. The second and the most appropriate solution is to negotiate fairly with the Talibans in order to put an end to the war as soon as possible with minimum casualties from both militia and civilians.

I asked a particular question to myself. "I am pretty sure that both the NATO and the Taliban had tried to arrange peaceful negotiation in the past decade. Then why weren't they arranged? What are the significant factors bringing positivity and increasing the possibility of this peace talk? After thoughtful consideration, I have identified two major factors which could've significantly influence the possibility of peace talk stated on October 14, 2010. First factor is the fact that the war had dragged on for longer than both sides thought it would have. The war had dragged on for 9 years! 9 years is a time it takes a new born baby to become a 4th grader. Due to this lengthy interval of war, I believe that both opposition sides are exhausted of the war, hoping to put an end to it as soon as possible. The second factor is the safe passage given to Taliban leaders as well as the additional authority given, allowing the peace talk to be arranged by Afghan groups. These two conditions reassured the safety of Talibans' leaders and showed definite sign of trust. These two reasons significantly influenced the increasing probability of peace talk.

I hope to see the end of the Afghan war in the near future. Moreover, I believe that it was very agreeable to see NATO step up and announce the idea of peace talk with impartial conditions towards Talibans. Giving the safe passage to Taliban insurgents as well as giving up the authority to arrange the peace talk to gain the genuine trust from Taliban was ingenious! However, the Talibans would also have to put approperiate effort in order to make the peace talk happen. This is because negotiation cannot be arranged with one-sided support from the NATO. It is vital that Taliban makes right decision, because this peace talk might be the greatest chance to put an end to this war, and this chance might never comeback again if they decide to discard it.

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