Waiting for Superman: A warning for Canada
Davis Guggenheim, an American film director hopes to send out another significant and powerful message to the world especially towards the developed nations such as U.S. and Canada. Davis Guggenheim, already famous for his previous film "An Inconvenient Truth" with Al Gore, has created another highly influential film called "Waiting for Superman" with many supports all around the world. The film "Waiting for a Superman" addresses severe problems with American and developed nation's education system by following handful of American public school students and their families. Some of the most devastating problems dealt in this film were sky-high high school dropout rates and students failing to even learn the basics. These issues are much more frustrating as they continue to happen despite the decades of promises made by governments stating that no children will be left behind. Moreover, it has been proven through statistics that Canada is starting to face same educational problems like U.S.; therefore Canada should also take the issues dealt through the film seriously as well. The film suggests that everyone should support and give more attention and effort in order to improve the educational system. These improvements are essential in order to make sure every child is granted with fair opportunities and better environment to be educated. The film has already won the audience award for best documentary at the Sundance Film Festival on January and will be open in Toronto on October 1st.
In my opinion, I strongly believe that Davis Guggenheim's film "Waiting for Superman" will bring significant impact towards the education system in developed countries including Canada. I personally believe that the issue of education system's failures and its problems are one of the most concerning problems in the world which should be improved as soon as possible. David Guggenheim has already succeeded to send out significant messages to the world through his previous film "The Inconvenient Truth". Therefore, I believe that his new film "Waiting for Superman" has great potential to effectively send out another significant message to the world. Moreover, I hope that people will pay more attention towards educational crisis that we face today, and will be motivated to come up with solutions for changes through this film. In conclusion, my opinion is that every child is born with equal rights and opportunities to be educated appropriately. It is us, the citizens of the country that should take initiatives in order to fix these problems so that none of the children are left behind, waiting for a superman to appear and rescue them out of the dark pit of hopelessness.
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